nccapitalgroup Doug Kline – Page 4

Author: Doug Kline

  • IDEXX Laboratories will Build Manufacturing Facility in Wilson NC

    IDEXX Laboratories will Build Manufacturing Facility in Wilson NC

    IDEXX Laboratories has announced plans to build a new manufacturing facility in Wilson, North Carolina. The company will invest $147 million in this facility, which is expected to create 275 new full-time jobs. The facility will focus on producing veterinary diagnostic equipment. The median house income in Wilson NC as of 2022 was $46,900, and…

  • Fayetteville lands $1B Titanium Mill

    Fayetteville lands $1B Titanium Mill

    American Titanium Metal LLC will construct a $1B titanium mill in Fayetteville NC called Project Aero. It is expected to be located on a 200-acre site near the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. plant and will create 450 high-paying jobs with an average salary of $120,000 over the next 20 years. The plant aims to…

  • Raleigh Apartment Absorption

    Raleigh Apartment Absorption

    After dropping 9400 new apartment units onto the market in 2023 with another 8300 expected in 2024, Raleigh is having difficulty this year in absorbing the new units. This has led to flat or lowering rents. We are certainly seeing some apartments in downtown offering incentives such as one or more months of free rent.…

  • NC #2 State for Business

    NC #2 State for Business

    CNBC’s Top States for Business 2024 dropped North Carolina from first place last year, to 2nd place this year. It may be that NC is a victim of its own past success, with regards to availability of site-ready pads. According to CNBC, NC rose substantially in “business-friendly” ranking compared to other states, but has dropped…

  • NC In Site: Clayton

    NC In Site: Clayton

    Download the NC INSite for Clayton, NC July 2024 below. Doug KlineDoug Kline, PhD, has held income properties in North Carolina for more than 20 years. He holds a North Carolina broker’s license, and is a member of the National Association of Realtors and the Triangle Real Estate Investors Association. A lifelong learner, he holds…

  • Preferred Return and the Capital Stack

    Preferred Return and the Capital Stack

    Preferred return is sometimes used at one or more levels in the capital stack to create a prioritization on how profits are distributed. If one level of the stack has a preferred return, their overall return does not change, but their distributions have priority over other distributions. In our article An Explanation of the Capital…

  • NC’s Economic Diversity

    NC’s Economic Diversity

    I took this chart from the 2023 Annual report from the EDPNC. These are the number of new or expansion projects in 2023, broken down by industry. Doug KlineDoug Kline, PhD, has held income properties in North Carolina for more than 20 years. He holds a North Carolina broker’s license, and is a member of…

  • 2023 NC Economic Development facts

    2023 NC Economic Development facts

    Check out the full 2023 Economic Development Partnership NC’s report. Some of the companies with new investments or expansions: Doug KlineDoug Kline, PhD, has held income properties in North Carolina for more than 20 years. He holds a North Carolina broker’s license, and is a member of the National Association of Realtors and the Triangle…

  • North Carolina Top for Business

    Awards 2022-2023 Doug KlineDoug Kline, PhD, has held income properties in North Carolina for more than 20 years. He holds a North Carolina broker’s license, and is a member of the National Association of Realtors and the Triangle Real Estate Investors Association. A lifelong learner, he holds an MBA and a PhD in business, and…

  • South Boston, VA

    Quick Facts South Boston VA Summary Historically, the town’s economy relied heavily on manufacturing, particularly textiles and furniture. However, these industries declined in the latter half of the 20th century, leading to economic hardship. Healthcare, motorsports, wood and plastic products, agriculture, tourism, and transportation / warehousing are growing sectors. The SOVA Innovation Hub, supported by federal grants, fosters small business…