Smoky Hollow Park has been in the works for a long time.
Situated on the north end of the Glenwood South District, it will have a huge impact on the whole downtown area. It’s great to bring federal dollars to Raleigh. But the bigger economic impact will be continued migration into the city because of the current and future high quality of life that downtown Raleigh offers.
Thank you to the City of Raleigh and the Parks and Recreation people who landed the grant. I’ve written a few grants and understand the effort involved!
external links
Smoky Hollow Park Implementation Project Receives $8.6M Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Grant

Doug Kline, PhD, has held income properties in North Carolina for more than 20 years. He holds a North Carolina broker’s license, and is a member of the National Association of Realtors and the Triangle Real Estate Investors Association. A lifelong learner, he holds an MBA and a PhD in business, and continues his education by attending meetings of the Society of Exchange Counselors and the National Counsel of Exchangors. In addition to his extensive real estate activities, Doug enjoyed a successful career in academia, achieving the rank of Full Professor in the Cameron School of Business at UNC Wilmington. He was honored with research and teaching awards, served as Director of the MS Computer Science and Information Systems program, and was awarded the endowed position Distinguished Professor of Information Systems.
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