Quick Facts
- Located in Halifax County, VA
- Population 7932 (2021)
- 5 miles from the county seat, Halifax
- 54 miles to Durham
- 75 miles to Greensboro
- 78 miles to Raleigh, NC
Historically, the town’s economy relied heavily on manufacturing, particularly textiles and furniture. However, these industries declined in the latter half of the 20th century, leading to economic hardship.
Healthcare, motorsports, wood and plastic products, agriculture, tourism, and transportation / warehousing are growing sectors.
The SOVA Innovation Hub, supported by federal grants, fosters small business develoment and job creation.
The Industrial Development Authority and Enterprise Zone program offer incentives to attract new businesses and encourage expansion.
South Boston is strategically located, offers an attractive quality of life, and is investing in diversifying their economic contributors.

Doug Kline, PhD, has held income properties in North Carolina for more than 20 years. He holds a North Carolina broker’s license, and is a member of the National Association of Realtors and the Triangle Real Estate Investors Association. A lifelong learner, he holds an MBA and a PhD in business, and continues his education by attending meetings of the Society of Exchange Counselors and the National Counsel of Exchangors. In addition to his extensive real estate activities, Doug enjoyed a successful career in academia, achieving the rank of Full Professor in the Cameron School of Business at UNC Wilmington. He was honored with research and teaching awards, served as Director of the MS Computer Science and Information Systems program, and was awarded the endowed position Distinguished Professor of Information Systems.